become a trusted name in South & Central America countries. . As a result, we have experienc
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HOLLAND GROUP , established in 2007, is a company focused on the distribution of pharmaceuticals products and Medical Device in international markets, specifically South & Central America countries. Specializing in the pharmaceutical industry in these markets has allowed us to leverage our expertise in both international business and trade to achieve the goals of our clients and the manufacturers we represent.
We have always worked towards maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction, which has allowed us to become a trusted name in South & Central America countries. . As a result, we have experienced consistent growth in both market share and product offering.
become a trusted name in South & Central America countries. . As a result, we have experienc
Time is money.
Registration of the products at the Latin America regulatory organs is required in advance before entering on the market. According to the timeline of Ministry of Health in each country, the average time for registration is more then 12- 16 months. HOLLAND can speed up that procedure in record time, often within 6-9 months. By leaving registration to HOLLAND our clients save both money and time. We prepare dossiers for the Ministry of Health; we provide import permissions from the customs authorities etc. which result in additional savings for clients.
We have such success in this procedure because we have good strategy and dedicated staff. Without right instructions, companies often fail to complete the dossier in the exact way and hence must go back to regulatory organs numerous of times until they clarify all the issues. This is very time-consuming. We are well informed about the demands of the regulatory organs, and we make sure that the dossiers are prepared in accord with the instructions. We involve experts on regular basis to make sure that the documents are in right format and that the client answered to all the questions. We also continue to monitor the progress of the dossiers when they are within the regulatory organs. That is how we ensure that the documents are not lost.
Members of our team have decades of direct experience with the relevant regulatory organs so they know very well the procedure so as the people.
become a trusted name in South & Central America countries. . As a result, we have experienc
Latin American market is very difficult in sense of Marketing. Helping the consumers in understanding why and how to use a certain product is all the more appealing.
HOLLAND is helping its clients to connect with the key opinion leaders, doctors, government officials and consumers. We organize conferences for select practitioners, conduct advisory boards for a product, and we help in preparing presentations and brochures.
All our marketing campaigns are different and unique, so our clients can be sure that we do everything in our power to manage a productive campaign in their best interest. We have received only compliments for our marketing campaigns.
Our campaigns include both educational and lobbying operations. We educate relevant parties about the product’s advantages, and we try to influence them to purchase the relevant product. At the beginning we engage appropriate groups to develop a key message. Then we advocate product advantages to relevant audience until they become aware what the product is, how to use it, and why they should recommend. We lobby the product to influential persons, trying to persuade them to buy it. We believe that a good strategy and dedication can ensure a successful marketing campaign.
Our contacts with opinion leaders and governmental official also have influence on the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. We know how to adjust key messages to appeal their needs.
become a trusted name in South & Central America countries. . As a result, we have experienc
Sales and distribution lie at the core of HOLLAND’s activities. We are increasing our skills in this area; we have a high-quality warehouse in Cali, Bogota, Lima and Quito so as the growing sales staff. Latin America is extremely huge area wise and to cover all regions and customers we also use our distributors’ networks.
We offer two different Sales and Distribution services:
For products with highly concentrated customers, we use internal resources. We import the products, we store them in our warehouse, and we negotiate with potential purchasers, take orders, and distribute the products as desired;
For the medicals that treat widespread illnesses, and therefore need to be distributed across many locations in each country, we cooperated with other distributors.
If the state is interested in purchasing the product in that case we interact with government officials on all levels to ensure that the product is in given consideration.
We also monitor distributors to ensure that there is no competition among them and that they are interested in selling the product. That kind of service requires an excellent relationship with distributors.
become a trusted name in South & Central America countries. . As a result, we have experienc
Developing our product portfolio with new therapies is increasing overall medical health of Latin America.
A lot of companies that are interested in out-licensing of their products to Latin America approached us. Also in many cases some opinion leaders mentioned that there is a need for a particular pharmaceutical and ask if we can bring it to Latin America. In-licensing is priority for HOLLAND.
We are interested in in-licensing so much mainly because it can bring needed products to our territories and because it will allow us to oversee all aspects of pharmaceutical product entry into Latin America.
Although we are mainly focused on original and new products, we are also interested to consider all opportunities for partnership in this field.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.
become a trusted name in South & Central America countries. . As a result, we have experienc
become a trusted name in South & Central America countries. . As a result, we have experienc
Our main objective is to provide our clients with pharmaceutical business services of the highest quality. Our intention is to become a company where clients can be presented with everything they need. When a market is in short supply of professionalism like in these regions, we think that it is very useful to our clients to work with only one party especially the one that knows the market well, has the necessary skills and experience, and that understands the client’s business needs.
Our quality and service makes us unique. We are proud of our professionalism and hard work. Our clients’ success is our priority. In order to achieve the best results we have a very good relationship with our clients, we think that interaction is a key to prosperity.
Before entering South & Central America countries markets there are some questions that need to be answered:
“Is there a market for our products?
What the potential of the market?
How are we going to sell our products?”
Our research and our market analysis give accurate answers to those questions. If there is the market potential, the client should be brought the product to market as soon as possible before the competitors appear. What would be needing first is registering of the product which is very difficult and time consuming. Thanks to our registration strategy we expedite the product’s registration in record time which saves our client’s time and money.
As the end of the registration process is nearing, clients start the process of marketing their products to the relevant audience. We can assist in conducting a targeted, productive marketing campaign. All Holland’s campaigns are distinctive and characterized by the utmost professional criterion and we do our best to ensure that the right message is communicated to the audience.
Regarding sales and distribution, Holland Group can be of assistance in two ways - we can take on sales and distribution ourselves, and for the wide spread audience we can find distributors and supervise them to ensure performance.
In order to provide our clients with strategic advice if that is what they need we help them using our resources and outside experts.
Nunc in lacus quis enim ultrices suscipit sit amet id lorem. Sed in lorem felis.